Tuesday 27 March 2012

Filming Progress:Problems we encountered

  • There are several problems we encountered whilst beginning  to film. Whilst filming Charlotte running out of the classroom it appeared that Charlotte fit into the frame of the shot, however wen we played it back on Imovie we discovered her head was cut out of the shot as we did not increase the height of the camera angle enough, causing her head to be cut out of the frame, spoiling the continuity and the concept of mimicking "the natural eye". 
  • Lighting also created a problem as it changed due the time in between filming outside and the location of the shot. We found the light shone on Elizabeth's face whilst walking around the corner causing her face to be barley visible. Furthermore, when she sits down with the other girls, the lighting decreases causing the shots contrast and not link together       visually, disrupting continuity. Therefore, we will shoot the series of shots again, ensuring we alter these specific problems.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

New Shot Sequence Storyboard

As we decided to go down the symbolic route within our opening after completing a brainstorm, as a group we came up with a new sequence of shots to create our narrative. In order to make our new ideas clear and ensure we understand the order in which our shots appear on screen I created a new storyboard to help bring our ideas to life and give us a visual of our thoughts to help us when filming.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Narrative Brainstorm

Once we had realized that our shots had to be alltered it became apparent that our ideas had been too literal and not symbolic enough in order to make our opening interesting and capture the audience. As our shots were more "theatre like", ratther than that of a film opening, due to the duartion of the shots being too long with too much diaglogue. We decided that reviweing themes within our narrative would help us to create new symbolic shots, hinting at aspects within our storyline to create the narrative on screen as a whole. Above I have created a brainstorm of the themes identified. Each theme will now be the bases of individual shots,for example; extreme clse ups of the girls looking worried, followed by close ups of there features (eyes,mouth,hands) to emphasise their nerves as they rememebr being bullied.

Title sequence

Saturday 17 March 2012

Location shots

As our thriller is aimed at a teenage target audience we decided to film our opening in a school setting, using classrooms etc., as our characters are students and it will make our narrative more relatable for our audience as the set is an environment that they recognise as they have had there own experiences within familiar surroundings, for example; the playground bench is somewhere that teenagers often use as a "meeting place", along with the lockers being a typical feature of a school setting that everyone is familiar with. Not only this, but it is also a stereotypical place where bullies torment their victims. The toilet is somewhere personal in which teenagers often conceal their secrets or hide when vulnerable, therefore we decided it would be a perfect setting for Elizabeth to become victim to teasing.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Reason Behind Our Title Sequence

We decided to keep our title sequence simple, as we found the black and white font, combined with the music created an appropriate tense atmosphere for the audience due to the design of the titles revealing nothing about the up and coming narrative, despite the hint at the possible idea of "Good Vs Evil" or opposing sides through the contrasting colours creating an immediate visual clash. We devised this idea after looking at the titles used in the thriller, "Prom Night", a film that appeals to our target audience of teenagers from 13-18 due to the idea of a prom taking place within school, something which teenagers are familiarise with, a dramatic twist occurring within what appears to be an innocent event, an idea which we adopted for our own opening. The titles use a swirled white font, giving it an almost "fancy" appearance and adding a decorative appeal, which would feature within a prom;subsequently fitting to the narrative. Similarly we used a "typed" style font within our sequence fitting with the style of a school newspaper, in which our dramatic event would be likely to appear. Nevertheless, unlike "Prom Night's" titles, that appear on screen as the camera tracks the city from a bird's eye view, we decide to have our titles appear on after the other on a black screen at the beginning, in several corners of the screen, as we did not want to create "a sense of place", however, a sense of anticipation and the unexpected as the titles appear in unexpected areas, as we are left with the dramatic music building suspense.