Tuesday 27 March 2012

Filming Progress:Problems we encountered

  • There are several problems we encountered whilst beginning  to film. Whilst filming Charlotte running out of the classroom it appeared that Charlotte fit into the frame of the shot, however wen we played it back on Imovie we discovered her head was cut out of the shot as we did not increase the height of the camera angle enough, causing her head to be cut out of the frame, spoiling the continuity and the concept of mimicking "the natural eye". 
  • Lighting also created a problem as it changed due the time in between filming outside and the location of the shot. We found the light shone on Elizabeth's face whilst walking around the corner causing her face to be barley visible. Furthermore, when she sits down with the other girls, the lighting decreases causing the shots contrast and not link together       visually, disrupting continuity. Therefore, we will shoot the series of shots again, ensuring we alter these specific problems.

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