Sunday 8 April 2012

Taylor Loring- 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

  • When deciding on our target audience for our thriller we created a questionnaire to help us gain knowledge about a wide selection of individuals, reviewing afterwards the most common age group. By doing this we would have a good knowledge of our audience when appealing to them through film, as we knew their preferences in the film industry.
  • We decided that a teenage target audience ranging between the ages of 13-18 would be the best audience for our thriller, as we were of a similar age, with knowledge of the teenage society as a result of being familiar with school life. We felt our natural connections to our target audience gave us an immediate advantage as we knew what they would find most appealing.

  •  To ensure it reached our target audience as directly as possible through advertising using different areas within media, we researched common ways in which people consume media. T.V and Posters/Billboards were the most popular. Therefore at trailer would have to appeal to our teenage age range.

  • Subsequently this told us that we would need to have posters. The trailer would also have to contain things that would appeal to our target audience. This would ensure that if our thriller was to be produced, it would be seen across a wide audience and directly appeal to our target group within society. Thrillers aimed specifically at  a teenage audience, in particular, Prom Night would give us a relatively current take on a "Teenage Thriller", as it was produced in 2008.

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