Sunday 8 April 2012

Taylor Loring- Thriller Evaluation: 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Development of Conventions: Furthermore our knowledge of other films and conventional thriller narratives allowed us to create ideas based on the Hitchcock film, Memento we decided to focus on the idea of memories and looking back at the past. Therefore we decided to create several flashbacks that the girl's will suddenly remember, subsequently transporting the audience to a previous time in their lives, hinting at the up and coming narrative. The sequence of shots developed conventions of thriller films as using a series of extreme close ups of the girls features provided a "personal" aspect to our opening, as well as symbolising the girl's hidden emotions, rather than displaying emotions through a dramatic form. What we challenged: However despite using these conventions of a thriller to fit general features of the genre, I do not feel our product challenged thriller conventions in any way, the event taking place in a school being a popular narrative for films aimed at a teenage target audience, E.g Prom Night. Even though our product featured camera shots seen in Hitchcock's thrillers, our narrative restricted our product from developing conventions as to attain some realism within our familiar setting we could not elaborate our narrative.

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